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Joining your state association supports local, state, and national efforts to present the profession as subject matter experts of acupuncture while improving standards of education, practice, doctorate programs, continuing education, credentialing, and privileging.

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Help shape the future of acupuncture and the delivery of medicine within private practice, Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, and public healthcare (Medicare, Military, VA, and Tribal care).

Become a Member

By joining the OAA, you also become a member of the ASA. Collectively, you become an essential part of a statewide and national powerhouse that serves to elevate licensed acupuncturists and advance the profession as a medicine.

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Reach a wide audience since we are the leaders in acupuncture information for practitioners, patients, the public, and policy makers. We hold educational events, send out regular newsletters, and engage in social media.

Donate to Our Association

We depend upon the generosity of our members, sponsors, and others to help us fund our work. It takes time and money to manage a membership association. If you have been positively impacted by authentic acupuncture practices, please consider contributing to our efforts to educate patients, the public, and policy makers. Visit our Make a Donation page for more information.

Become a Sponsor

Our profession needs partners. Your support will help our endeavor to be seen and heard as a dynamic presence in the delivery of medicine. There are a variety of ways to be a sponsor with OAA. In return, your logo can be added to newsletters, marketing materials, and our website that has been crafted to provide education to patients, the public, and policy makers. Visit our Become a Sponsor page for more information.